Product Features Video – QuantStudio Pro

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s line of qPCR products has helped scientists and researchers for decades by providing tools for real-time amplification and analysis of DNA samples. We had already made a series of videos for the launch of the QuantStudio Pro 6 & 7, but to round out the campaign, these instruments needed features-based videos to communicate how they could be used in a real lab setting.


The Challenge

Having already made the launch videos, we knew plenty about the product. The challenge instead came in how to create an engaging visual demonstration of the features. Some of the key features are based around connectivity that allows users to control or monitor the instrument remotely, so we needed a way to show that continuity across locations.


The Approach

Rather than actually go to the different locations of a lab, office and coffee shop, we decided to limit the set to a simple, focused scene that placed only the necessary environment cues around the product, on a white background. This allowed us to create compact versions of each location, and place them on a turntable. What started as a fortunate side-effect of that layout became a key visual concept: That the connectivity of this instrument allows you to practically be in two places at once.


We then used some clever editing and VFX to stitch multiple takes of the same turntable, with various set design elements and wardrobe changes, to create a subtly magic effect that keeps audiences looking closer to see what just happened.

We also created additional versions, included below, that focused in on the interaction features and remote workflow, respectively.


Interaction Features

Remote Workflow